Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Year, A New Beginning

As the ball drops every year in the great Times Square and dick clarks wishes the world a Happy New Year and the play that famous song and the world sings along, I think back on the past year and look at what I did right and what went wrong and what I could do to change and see where I am standing. Next I look into the new year and wonder where this new journey will take me to now. This year will be especially busy for the State Council especially January which will be exciting with everything going on and the beginning of a new year. This year personally will be a new journey in my life with me turning the big Eighteen and me looking at and visiting colleges and finding what I want to do with the rest of my life, and the big journey ahead. The thing is no matter what you do you can look at the past but you can not change it, You can only change what is going to happen and hope for the best of what to come. Hope Everyone has a Happy New Year and may God Bless.

Jonathan Yoder Reporter/Historian